
ISA-Certified Arborist | Immediate Free Estimates | Emergency Services

Caring for your trees and landscaping

I have been in the landscaping business for over 36 years. During this time, I have developed extensive experience and knowledge. I have worked on substantial commercial projects to small residential projects. The variety of past projects has given me the experience to understand the importance of a good base for paver patios, driveways, and sidewalks. Without the proper base, overtime, the pavers will settle or shift and leave the homeowner with an extreme repair cost. Proper drainage should always be a concern.

Before any type of a project is started, drainage should always be a priority. Where is the water going to go when it rains? This should always be planned before a project starts.

Over the years I have taken many courses through the university of minnesota and the university of Arizona. With this extensive education I have become a ISA Certified Arborist, State Tree Inspector, Certified in Storm Water, Certified in Erosion Control, Certified Landscape Specialist, Certified in Smartscape and have also given presentations at universities.

This education has given me the knowledge to make sure the trees and plants are planted correctly, diagnose tree problems and develop the proper treatment and fertilizer prescriptions.

Together with the hands on experience and education, your project will be done correctly without risking the future problems.

Did you know we service both
Arizona and Minnesota?

Call us today to get your project completed!